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tv   KPIX 5 News Sunday Morning Edition  CW  November 3, 2013 8:30am-9:31am PST

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weather ad libs . new details in the dead live team 2 shooting at lax. a chill -- in the deadly shooting at lax and how it unfoldd. >> and is come changes ahead in a few minutes. >> and every glitch is going to be seized on by americans and they'll say your care stinks. >> it's 8:30 on sunday, november 3rd. home you set the clocks back and thank you for joining us. >> we have a lot of news to cover and too sweet, what one
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san francisco supervisor is saying. drinks here in the bay area or in san francisco. judge they think the unions is too sweet and that they have betrade b.a.r.t. riders. we'll hear from him in the next hour. >> and first, we have developing news this morning in oakland where fire fit -- firefighters have a handle on the house fire. it broke out around 6:20 in the 1700 block of 11th street. >> a federal prosecutor is providing new details about the shooting inside the terminal on friday in lax. the suspected gunman paul ciancia allegedly shot a tsa officer at point-blank range, went up the escalator, came down and shot him again. he's charged with murdering a federal officer and could face the death penalty. he was not a ticketed passenger but dropped off at the airport before the shooting.
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as reporter carter-of-ans tell us, he had more than one women. >> the man carried with him multiple assault weapon magazines and a message. >> in the note that was handwritten by the defendant and signed by the defendant, we found a statement where he made a conscious decision to kill multiple tsa employees. >> reporter: the widow spoke about her husband, the first officer in the agency's history to die in the line of duty. >> we're all heartbroken and. >> reporter: many passengers remain stranded. their belongings inside the terminal they were flowing from. >> i want to go home and -- >> reporter: he's gone home to missouri. >> it was on the convey or and
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heard the next shop and i took off running. you can hear shots going off. >> reporter: police say 24-year- old paul ciancia shot his way through the security checkpoint, killing tsa officer hernandez and wounding two others. dr. bruce wright was by the x ray machine. >> and you were taking off your shows? >> yes. >> and that is when he slipped and injured his leg. >> reporter: the shooter continued down the concourse and firing along the way before he was subdued by police. the police chief praised his officers and reassured travelers. >> ing they notice the difference? >> absolutely. we're supplemented by a number of l.a.p.d. officers here with an attempt to make our presence here and make people feel safe. >> reporter: the fbi confirms he was not a ticketed passenger, but they believe that someone brought him here
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to the airport, but they won't say who dropped him off. carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. ciancia has been charged with another felony offense in addition to murder. the commission of violence at an international airport. >> students at uc berkeley are warned to keep their smartphones and laptops under wraps because campus crime is -- crime is on the rise. bryan web tells us how they're going to step up patrols. >> reporter: crime is up this year, way up and students are talking. >> and you see like a new story every day and just like someone's getting robbed in the south side. >> and i heard people got robbed and i hear there are a few cases. >> reporter: the student's newspaper said technology is the target and students walking by themselves are often the victims joe campus police are taking notice starting new
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nighttime patrols in now high crime areas and students admit they feel safer on campus than off. >> and it gets bad. >> reporter: they have learned the best way to stay safe is to be start. -- smart. >> students should walk with someone and call their walk. i think the university has the system set up and we'll be okay. >> reporter: brian webb, kpix5. >> and the student government requested them. >> a page from the living assistant facility in castro valley is found safe in san jose. the 65-year-old edmond baskim wandered away from valley springs manor a week ago one day after discovering the home was shut down because on of -- because of a string of health and safety violations. tomorrow, an attorney for the family of a boy killed by sheriff's department in santa rosa will file a civil rights lawsuit. the suit, which is expected to
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be filed in san francisco's federal district court, will argue that the shooting was without reasonable cause and in violation of the 4th amendment and 13-year-old andy lopez cruz was shot seven teens after neigh mistook the fake ak-47 for a real assault rifle. a pleasanton man nearly beaten to death is recovering. he woke up from his medically- induced coma. he was attacked by a group of teens in september when he went outside and told them to be quiet. his is no longer life- threatening but he's not able to speak. the investigation is on hold until police can question him. and some b.a.r.t. workers will start off their week tomorrow with a brand-new contract and that is a fresh start after months of bitter negotiations, birthing, and strikes that got trying for the writing public. 88% of the seiu's members, they're usually the janitors and such, approved the new contract on friday.
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88% of atu, including staging agents and drivers, voted in favor of the new deal. all workers will see a 15% pay increase over the next four years, but they will also have to kick in more for health and pension projects. most are relieved in the end that b.a.r.t. is back on track. >> it was a difficult situation and a lot of people were pretty heavily inconvenienced but collective bargaining is an important thing. >> the b.a.r.t. board of directors is expected to make a final approval vote soon. new this morning, secretary of state john kerry is in egypt. he met with the foreign minister and said regs shouldn't be defined by military aid. he said withholding money is not a punishment but it may slow if egypt makes progress in slowing civilian rule and protecting basic human rights. and in new york city,
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47,000 runners are expected to jam the streets of the big apple for the new york city marathon. it's back after superstorm sandy cancelled the event last year. the boston marathon bombing in april resulted in stepped-up security in new york and organizers received no threats. there was a bittersweet moment during the world series championship parade yesterday. >> they placed the trophy along with the jersey on it. boston strong became the city's motto after the april bombing that killed three people. that number on the jersey, 617, represents boston's area code. and in san francisco versus sugary drinks. >> scott wiener joins us about the push to charge you more for a can of soda.
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>> and then the world-famous singing monk makes his u.s. debut here in the bay area. beatles. when he performs... he doesn't likeo use . >> and on the subject of music, it's easy to take a walk on the sunny street today. that may change by the latter half of the week. the forecast is coming up after the break. ,,,,
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. we're starting out with a lot of sunshine and let's start out over north beach and from san francisco to mount vaca. ,,,,,,,,
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a microphone. kpix five's patrick sedillo . get this, his record label turn down the we'lls and when he performs, he doesn't like to use a microphone. >> reporter: he's known as the singing monk. the 35-year-old francis canpolice from assisi in -- franciscan from assisi in italy
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and brings his voice here. i caught up with him at the private concert at the cathedral of christ the light. across the street at lake merit in oakland, and found him to be, of all things, humble. >> this is the first time i'm here in america. >> what did you think? >> it's wonderful like in the movies. >> reporter: his first flight on the airplane was last year it was to london. >> for the contact with that, the record. >> and that is the same deck that turned down the beetles and this time they knew a good thing when they saw it and got him into a recording studio. he's recordd two cds and turned into an internet sensation, garnering thousands of hits on youtube and there is one thing. >> and i don't want to use microphone if possible. the amen of maria this is not
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possible with microphone. >> reporter: the next stops will include washington, d.c., and new york city. for this singing star who is shy, that is something he will have to overcome. >> and -- the world? >> yes. >> reporter: reporting from oakland, patrick sedillo, kpix5. >> and that is beautiful. >> yeah. >> and what kind of reviews do we have for today's weather? >> you tell me. >> and that is bravo. >> bravo. >> and it was not enthusiastic enough. >> that is okay. >> and let's look at what things are setting up for in the bay area. and mostly sunny skies. some clouds on the way from the great pacific northwest. for us, we'll spread high clouds over the bay area and we are, as a matter of fact. and this is cooler and a bit on the brisk side. we're starting out with readings mostly in the upper 40s to low 50 degrees range and just a few puffs of fog out there. not much.
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a lot of sunshine in the bay area. for now, concord has 44 degrees and in the city, 51 and 49 degrees and some winds calmed down in the south bay. in the north bay, gusts from fen to -- 15 to 20 miles an hour and there are still wind advisories posted and they will expire later in the day. speaking of later in the day, the numbers from the mid- to upper 60s. a lot of sun around and expect some of the he clouds filtering in from the north and infiltrating the central and south later in the bay. the raiders are playing at 105, sunshine and breezy at 66 degrees and game time. you see the low carving a notch out of the high pressure there and some high clouds on the way. aside from, that looking good toward the coach and to -- coast. sunny and brisk, a mild start to the risk, cooler and some clouds by thursday.
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partly cloudy skies and 70 degrees in the central valley and today, san francisco with 62; santa rosa, 67; livermore, 68 and that is nice. the forecast, a lot of sun and until thursday, friday, and saturday. doesn't look like a drop of rain. >> all right. >> and that is dry this year. >> bravo. >> a comment, eventually. >> and a brilliant performance. >> i'll be back to rephrase it. >> thank you. san francisco supervisors are waging a war on sugary drinks. they want a sucharge each can or bottle sold in the city and the money would pay for health and nutrition programs for youth. >> sugar is terrible for you. i feel if people would stop drinking if there were extra. >> or would they? similar tax measures were defeated last year in richmond and almonte. >> it's a national trend that appears to be growing.
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we spoke with the san francisco supervisor scott wiener who discussed the possibility of a surcharge on sodas. it's his idea. the supervisor said that drinking them is a health risk. >> there is growing specific evidence that south air drinks are a leading cause of a spike in type 2 diabetes and that has to do with the way they absorbed into the bodies. they a direct cause. >> and for most americans, it might seem odd these days for sugar to join the list of big bad things like liquor or tobacco, the sip tax of the past -- syntax of the past. how do you think this is going to go over? >> they're a major, major health problem like tobacco. >> it's similar to that. the judged -- let me ask you this: what is the idea?
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is it to get money for programs for health and education for kids about not drinking south air drippings or to make it more expensive and prohibit it for people to buy it and they buy less of it. >> we're not prohibiting anything. it's like a tobacco tax. we saw a dramatic decline in cigarette smoking because of the tax and the tax funded from very educational -- important educational programs. the hope is we will see a reduction, particularly in the big, big kind of sugary beverages. people consume huge amounts of the stuff and it will fund the physical activity, nutrition programs in schools and in our parks and elsewhere and phys- ed, school lunch, increased rec center hours, et cetera. >> in the past, we pushed them as taxes on big corporations or idea. big oil and big tobacco, now this is big sugar and they not
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going to pay the take. the individual courage 8 pay the tax. >> it will be at the distribution point and one of the goals is to reduce consumption and just like cigarette taxes. >> why not ban sugary drinks? >> people should have the choice, like we don't ban cigarettes. if you make it more expensive so it reflects the true cost of society, we're anything to see an absolute tsunami in terms of diabetes-related health costs in the country in large part because of the consumption of south air beverages. one 12-ounce can of soda has 10 teaspoons of sugar in it. >> are we going to see it in other cities as well? >> we're seeing it around the country. we have seen a few in california and washington state. one on the ballot on tuesday in telluride, colorado. we're seeing a growing awareness that they a major public health problem. >> and that is interesting. when you think about it, 25
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cents on each serving, a 12 pack is going to be an extra $3? >> it's going take an extra 2/3 vote. this is going to be a big national battleground for this issue if it makes the ballot. it's part of a nationwide trend and perhaps is the first big city to go for it. >> the nationwide trend is generally a failure on those measures. >> they haven't taken it to the city where san francisco has a cutting-edge liberal. as we always know. >> grinches -- glitches on the obama care website. one digs deep at the woman held responsible for the failure. we'll be right back. are ending soon at rain. we've challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery,
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setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars ends soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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she's got it all. including 25 em-puh-guh's highway. what? em-pe-juh, muhpuhguh? muh-puh-guh's? muh -- em-puh-guh's? em-pee-gee's?
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25 em-pe-guh, em-puh-guh's. i'm saying it right, but it just doesn't sound familiar. hmm. ♪ obamacare website.... a tennessee state senator gotn his own jab in at the . just 48 hours after cathleen sebelius office capitol hill defending the obama care website, a senator got in his own jab at her. she was at the library on friday and a republican senator, brian kelsey, handed her a copy of websites for dummies, according to the paper that snapped the photo, you see her quickly passing the book off to an aid. the website is expected to be back online today after some weekend maintenance. >> and despite the apology from the president, the glitches seem to be the focus going on by criticism, and especially from republicans. we sat down with political
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reporter joe garafoli and willie brown and said okay. this is a program that is going to go across the nation and is going to affect millions of people. will it be the one that defines the obama administration and democrats for years to come? >> absolutely. this is going to be the gift that keeps on giving for republicans. it's not like a scandal that is here and gone tomorrow, it's something that is a program that is rolled out. every glitch is going to be seized on by the republicans. aha, your healthcare plan stinks. >> you -- showing us the republicans don't have to enhance in any accusation they put. on the other hand, you have not heard from that collection of people who could not get any coverage because they had a pre- existing condition. you have not heard from that collection of people that we're going to the emergency room when the problem was critical.
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you have not heard from the people who no longer will have to carry their kids at their expense when they can do it within the framework of their plan. all of that is what democrats running for re-election and election will be selling. they are going defend the plan and the problem is will obama defend the plan? he seems to have disappeared all of a sudden. >> go to the web set and -- website. that is what it's for and the website doesn't work. >> it's a visceral thing, your healthcare. >> keep in mind that we have medicare, which rolls the same way. with any degree of intelligence, one would have used that as the initial entry model and you would not have all of this criticism. because you would be augusts a program with the cover. my guess is that at some point, you will get this dramatic
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speech from president obama and he's going to say exactly that. >> that what? >> that we should have used the medicare model. it works, it's proven to be affective and people believe in it, including republicans. >> the final question? medterm elections? it looked like -- how is this going to affect them and do you honestly think the democrats are going to be out there defending this program or are they going to cut and hundred run? >> i think any democrat who sees this program as a liability has already run. >> the whole thing has been ugly when you combine the technical calglitches to allegations of problems. it turns out to be not the case. >> and that is going to be interesting. it affects a number of people and not a scandal. >> right. it's a heavy thing. people don't want to you mess around with that.
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>> we'll continue to watch it as it hopefully gets better and we were talking about the website back online. and meanwhile, as we move o it's holiday season. we have a costume controversy, how a mom is defending her son, believe it or not, kkk outfit. >> we'll be right back. ,,,,,,
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[uncle]this is hopscotch,okay? uncle go one,two,one,two,one two,one. [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah?
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. a spike in crime on a bay area campus. what is being targeted and how the police plan to keep students safe. >> and a good sunday morning to you. thank you for coming by. we're looking at mostly sunny skies to start things out with. that is not the way we will f -- finish. we'll have the forecast for you in a moment. >> and welcome back to kpix 5 this morning. the time is 8:59. >> we hope you remembered to turn the clocks back. we have a lot to talk about in the next half hour. you may have heard the b.a.r.t. unions approved the contract. there is one member not happy with that agreement and the b.a.r.t. board has yet to approve it themselves. >> and meanwhile, the fbi is waiting to talk to the suspect in the los angeles shootings at international airport. federal murder charges have been filed against paul ciancia. witnesses are recounting the terrifying moments, en-- including one man who came face-
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to-face with them hymn. >> and i went and cowered in the corner and the shooter was calmly walking down and he saw me cowering there. he looked at me and said tsa? i shook my head and he kept going. >> one tsa agent was killed, five others hurt including the suspected gunman. we're learning about more about yes background. he's from new jersey. he had no history of violence or mental illness. he support text messages telling his family he was unhappy and discouraged living in los angeles. >> the text message was to the brother. the way it was written, they had concern about it and that is when they brought it to our attention. >> he was not a ticketed passenger for any flight out of lax and they believe someone dropped him off at the airport.
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a patient missing from a closed down care facility in castro valley has been found safe in san jose. the 65-year-old was not scene since the state shut down valley springs manor late last month over a slu of health and safety violations. only a couple of staffers stayed behind to take more than a dozen elderly patients and social service workers walked away. >> reporter: feel what the owners did at this facility and other facilities. >> the san francisco chronicle reports the owner dates back to the 1990s. hilda manual owned other homes over the last decade raking up $860,000 in fines and was able to obtain a license for this one. >> and is he breathing? >> yes. >> this new information comes as we hear the 911 calls made by the two workers, a cook and janitor who stayed unpaid to
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take care of the dozen residents who remained after the home was shut down. >> he's not looking well? >> what is wrong again? he's park ale and -- [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: the workers called emergency dispatchers four times over three days and never told them the center was closed. the state revoked the valley springs manor's license on october 24th and the owner's lawyer agreed to talk to us if we covered his face. >> they in a catch-22 situation. you have to transfer them but there are no resources to transfer them. >> reporter: california social services -- social services workers visited the care center on the 24th and 25th and did nothing to curb the case -- chaos. the owners of the facility could face elder abuse charges. state and federal agencies have joined that investigation. a spike in crime at uc berkeley had campus police stepping up their patrols and it's getting darker earlier and students are advised to be
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extra careful when walking alone and smartphones and laptops are enticing to thoughs. >> i heard people got mugged on campus more than usual and i hear there are a few cases. the bay area watch this morning. the city gardener charged with running over and killing a woman in a france park and has been fired. he hit the victim in september as she sun bathed with her baby and dog. he's charged with vehicular manslaughter and hit-and-run. >> and b.a.r.t. workers have officially ratified their new contract. the two largest unions voted in favor of the new deal on friday. it includes a 15% pay increase over four years and exchange. workers will pay more into their health care and pension funds. plus, there is going to be new safety rules. the b.a.r.t. board of directors is expected to approve the contract soon. >> and we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. the resort and casino opens
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this tuesday, being called the largest gaming and entertainment destination. it features 144 gaming tables, including black jack and back rat. gamblers can try their chance at 3,000 video slot and poker machines, four standalone restaurants and in addition to fast food opposition. a technology team is bringing the enrollment page of the health insurance website back up. the team has been working on overnight and the federal website locked up. you might recall when it went live on october 1st. the performance has been spotty ever since and the obama administration is aiming to have the site running -- moving along in november. hillary clinton is getting an endorsement even though she's not sure she's running for the president. >> and a kkk costume. >> big changes at school performances, why some are banning christmas music. >> and looking at sunday for
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the bay area. the temperatures inland. we'll be in the upper 60s. there is some changes. you want to stay tuned. the forecast is coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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. now, the bridges in the bay area. we'll begin with one that opened back in may of 1937, and the one that opened sooner. still standing proudly and boldly. ,,,,,,,,
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. every holiday as hi story like this and this is in virginia. y should allowed her son go to wear a costume of kkk. the mom made it for him and she did warn him that people would say bad things. she said the kkk, however, is a giving organization and the outfit is a family tradition. she said that after posting the costume on facebook, she's received several threats. >> and that is not going to be long. and before we hear christmas carols. >> one group said they don't belong in christmas concerts. the district said some of the songs with religious references
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are inappropriate and rather than debate, they got rid of it altogether. >> that could be offensive to other parents and families. there is so many different religions out there. >> and the holidays is a melting pot. kwanzaa, hanukkah, christmas and let them sing it all. >> in 2010, the u.s. supreme court declined to hear an appeal of a similar ban with another new jersey school district. the appeals court upheld the ban saying the schools should create an inclusive environment. and 9:09, one fewer hour of daylight today. >> and we don't. >> wow. love them. >> it's true and going to be dark early. >> as far as you're concerned. >> and i loved it this morning. >> and we do have a lot of sunshine for you.
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on the chilly side. not bad at all and for one in the first week of november. and right now, concord's got 53 degrees and san jose, 56 and for santa rosa and had is for the charles schwabb cup in san francisco. and it's going to be breezy and cool and the added temperature of is connect size and this is what we are expecting, the low pressure is moving in over northern california and keeping things chillier than average this time of the year. the low heads out and is replaced by high pressure midweek and some coming in and the rain associated with this. there is the rain and that is going to stay north of the area and that is keeping clouds in the sky and you can stay up top and look at ocean beach. sunny and brisk. a mild start to the week and cooler by thursday. it's over the pacific northwest and the nowhere rockies, the eastern half of the country and
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not bad. 72 and san 'tone,ity degrees. and-in-the-a bad day and showing us cooler than average. the city is 5 degrees cooler than average and mid-60s for much of the bay area and 65 at san mateo, liver moore, 68; 59 for livermoore and 69 for pleasanton. pleasant hill 69 and 67, napa. nice wine country. 66 at roanoke park and 67 degrees at bodega bay. far north, looks nice and some sunshine and mid-60s. >> and thursday, friday, and saturday and looks like there is not a drop of rain in site. >> it's going to continue to stay that way. >> a new contract approved by
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hundreds of b.a.r.t. workers gave a 15% raise over four years. they have to contribute to -- contribute to the healthcare cost yes and this morning -- morning, sat with zachary. is this deal good for the transit agency itself? >> it's a big improvement from last negotiations. and a turn of the votes and we -- it's an improvement and it's less than we could have got. >> and what do you see as lacking in this contract? >> i think the negotiations strategy resulted to us and it resulted in us putting forth a sweeter deal than we needed to. yo it was. $30million more than you originally estimated. >> uh-huh. >> and 10 million more in the final days. one of the questions our average writer is where is the money go to come from?
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yo that is hard to say. we have to -- to come from? >> that is hard to say. we have to look into our budgets and at that time, they suggest this. >> and. >> a 15% pay increase, a lot more than the zero they wanted. >> the changes in pension formula, how much they're death to -- going to pay into that and i think that is an overstatement. they getting a 15.4% wage increase and gee war re- immersing them with wage increases for paying to pension, medical, et cetera, we're converring the subsidy in my opinion. >> and you're saying yes, they got a raise and in return, you are also picking up part of
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their pension and healthcare cost los angeles? >> no, they're picking up their pension and health care cost, we subsidize part of it. in lou of them picking up those costs, we're giving them more money. >> do you plan to vote on this in vote for it? >> i do not. >> really? no. >> why not? >> again, i feel like we betrayed the public. the public adamantly, a supermajority stood behind us. we accepted the strike, even though the unions called it. yet, we were not really ready to accept it. we sweetened the deal once the strike happened and i feel we betrayed the public. >> do you think they should have held a harder line? >> definitely. i have been persistent in that opinion. >> do you think your fellow numbers share that or is this going to be, we have gone through this and seal the deal and move on? >> i'm not going to make and general situations to much about my colleagues and i will say that the environment is
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strike averse and that results in short-term overriding long- term. >> and. >> i think we could and one positive is that this seems to be over now and i look forward to hearing from the unions there -- . >> the flipside, a lot of thins are in place, correct? >> yes. there is a lot more to go and this is the beginning, i should say. not the end. >> yeah, i mean you're talking about measures that are still in place that don't allow b.a.r.t. to train replacement workers until a strike beins -- begins. >> uh. >> and we likely will find ourselves in the same situation four years from now. >> right, and there is not a no straight closet either. >> exactly. >> and that is where we are. >> in another front. hillary clinton is not
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throwing her hat into the presidential ring just yet. >> that's right, and someone is doing it for her. >> it's time for a woman to be april. >> the big announcement over the weekend, and what our political insiders are saying about hillary clinton's future when we come back. . >> hey, good morning, everybody. are the raiders going to get it done today against the philadelphia eagles? that is today. we're going to recap last night in a jiffy. the warriors were in and the move for home cook. ,,,,
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on my right is the new dodge durango with up to 360 horsepower. on my left is one horse with one horsepower. that makes you feel pretty dumb doesn't it? [ laughs ] this is literally 360 times more powerful than you. look at you. you're worthless. there you have it -- 360 times better than a horse. staring contest -- go. i win. ♪ female narrator: the mattress price wars are ending soon the mattress price wars are ending soon at sleep train. we've challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off.
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serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars ends soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ . good morning, everybody. set your clocks back, huh? huh? let's cover last night. and i will begin with the new- look warriors jerseys, short sleeve saturday at oracle. they're going to do it six saturdays. the warriors dominated the
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kings and 27. and above the rim. and curry, uh, 2 and 1 and they beat them, 98-27 and between the pipes via a shootout. and phoenix beat the sharks at the tank. the final of 3-2. and football foot and not enough to beat arizona. the wildcats win 33-28 and cal now 1 and 8 for the year and with the five-stroke lead and for the championship. horse racing, breeder's cup, macho man and a photo finish. the 7-2 favorite. trained by cathy, a heart transplant survivor who became the first to win the breeder's cup classic. and we'll preview the coming
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attractions and churchhill downs. you will see some of them in the gates and in louisville, kentucky. that is it. we'll see you later on. have a good day. the coach of the broncos will miss several weeks for games and practice for heart surgery. he's going to have a aortic valve replacement. he hoped to put off the operation until february and yesterday, he -- and tests showed he could not wait longer. the broncos are 7-1 and. chuck schumer had a big announcement yesterday. >> it's time for a woman to be president. so, tonight, here in iowa, and i won't get this opportunity again, i am urging hillary
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clintonfo run for president! -- hillary clinton to run for president. when shego does, she'll have my -- she will have me full and unwavering support. >> he will endorse clinton for the race and that she's qualified for the right job and the right person to beat the tea party. >> it's not the tea party she's going to run against. that is why we askedock, former san francisco mayor willie brown and san francisco chronicle reporter joe garafoli about the pros and cons of the early clinton rollout. >> there is an assumption it's going to be hillary and she's basking in that assumption without making any of the steps that would lead to it. >> she won't clear the field if she comes in. if she comes in, she beat the millennial voters this week and she may have a problem. they going down. one of the reasons obama won, he won 6% of the young voters.
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can a 69-year-old hillary clinton on election day win over young voters? >> you have to know that i think hillary clinton's focus probably over the next year and a half she's going to be fronting much of what happens. >> and in the meantime, she's knocking back fees from wall street, and that is not a favorite location or address from the democratic party and she received $1 million from goldman sachs for a pare of speeches. >> and that takes away the moral authority and talk ising about many street. >> i think they're doing what they do and that is they go to the speech-making serk. the husband, the former president bill clinton commands
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huge numbers. he went to australia for a million bucks for a speech. one speech. >> who is it from? australian government? this is from goldman sachs and people are taking advantage. >> and unfortunately, you don't always, you're not always able to get somebody elected in the australian government to finance your speech-making activities. >> one of the questions out there, if not hillary clinton for whatever reason she decides not to run or whatever, who else do we have? >> and he will be on the bench next week. you talk about the governor out of maryland and he is absolutely on the bench and you have people like gary locke, the former governor. >> and what about jerry brown? is he too old? >> no, agewise, you would say,
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if 76 or 77, that is a problem and he has no wear and tear. >> like a classic old car and only by age and not performance. he can be viable. >> and that is a terrible bumper sticker. >> and she's going to be in the bay area this week. we'll have coverage for you on kpix 5. coming up, a look at the morning's top stories and an investigate into -- an investigation at lax. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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the suspect in the shootingt l- a-x could face the death penalty . he's a look at the top stories. >> the suspect in the shooting at lax could face the death penalty if convicted. federal prosecutors have filed charges of murder and commission of violence at an international airport and. calstudents are asked to be
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careful when walking around campus. the electronic items are proving to be targets for thieves and uc berkeley saw a spike in crimes in recent weeks. >> and baworkers start off their week. and that is identified -- ratified on friday and that includes a 15% pay increase that goes to the b.a.r.t. board of directors for approval and they're not scheduled when that vote is going to be taken. and it's a beautiful day for outdoor activities. if you could do any sanction, outdoor activity, what is your first in the bay area? you get out and play 10is? >> no. >> you sit and read yo and my most favorite thing to do is walk through the city. simple as that. >> and i would which will out in dolores park and watch the
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freak show. >> it is in. >> and you can't bet -- you have done that in. >> no. >> and that is amazing. concord, 53; oakland, 56; and santa rosa, 56 and there is a chill in the air. can't argue with that and the extended forecast, we'll stay there the next few days and some mid- to upper 60s and some clouds and cooler weather. >> and enjoy it. >> and remember, take out your trash. >> that is a good idea. and on chocolate chips, you have heard about this? lays is is combining sweet and salty with the new wavy potato chips dipped in milk chocolate and they in shelves this week. >> and 5 minutes back. cost you $3.50. i wonder when san francisco is putting a tax on it. that is it for kpix 5 this morning. >> thank you for joining us. ,,,,,,,,
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